Friday, October 19, 2012

Black carrot savoury

"Enamorarse es sentirse encantado por algo, y algo sólo puede encantar si es o parece ser perfección."
José Ortega y Gasset

("Falling in love means feeling delighted for something, and something can be delightful if is o seems be perfection." J
osé Ortega y Gasset)

When Ortenga talks about falling in love, he refers to "things" and not to people and even if could sounds strange, for me it totally explains that it's possible falling in love with 
conceptual things as well.
Yes, ok, I'm not here to telling you how you feel when you discover to love something, but I'd like to show how many things we love, that could be actions, gazes, smells, feelings, instants, situations or even places.
If I have to choose a picture to show things I love, one couldn't be enough, for sure I can start from something that makes my heart pound.

The colorful city I love, Barcelona, that better represents who I am.
In particular, the most depicting place of Barcelona, for me, is the Boqueria. The famous market on the Ramblas where you are throw into the magic of the city.
My last receipe lets occur on my mind when I was usual to cross the city from Saints to Liceu just for buying fruits and vegetables, who knows if even in the Boqueria are selling black carrots? 

Black carrots savory 

(for two people)


300 g boiled carrots

1 egg
2 tbsp of pamesan cheese

-Spinach cream-

vegetable stock
1 tbsp natural yoghurt

Boil the carrots and blend them, add the egg, salt and parmesan, mix and place in the ramekins, let cook at bain-marie for 30 min at 180/190 °C.
In the meanwhile, toast 1 tablespoon of flour in a pan with hot extravergin olive oil, add the boiled spinaches, after 3 minutes add the stock and let cook for 10 min.
Blend the spinach unitl make a cream, then add the yoghurt and the thyme and mix.
Prepare your plate putting the spinaches cream and the savoury up.

The carrot savoury has a really soft flavour that I suggest to contrast with a parmesan cream to place on the top. Making the cream is really simple: in a pan let warm the pamesan with a tablespoon of liquid cream (depending on how much parmesan you placed), it should be quite thick, not too much liquid.

Place the parmesan cream up the savory and ENJOY IT!

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